Sci Fi Week: Day 5 March 23, 2012All The Buppets!, Patrick Stewart, Sci-fi Week!!Master Buppeteer "Make it so!" "ENGAGE!"
Sci Fi Week: Day 2 March 20, 2012All The Buppets!, Kurt Russel, Sci-fi Week!!Master Buppeteer Snake Titsken Call me "Tit"
Sci Fi Week: Day 1 March 19, 2012All The Buppets!, Sci-fi Week!!Master Buppeteer 3 submissions from one random stranger! AMAZING. Tit of Sauron! Hal Boob 9000! The Breast Star!
Another random submission!! March 14, 2012All The Buppets!Master Buppeteer What should my next theme week be? I’m torn between music and sci-fi… Anywho… in the meantime here’s a new buppet! “Miss Polly”